
At Nick’s Sports Autographs we specialize in 100% authentic, Sports, Political (including Presidents) and Celebrity Autographs (Hollywood and Music). Rest assured knowing that you are buying 100% authentic autographed memorabilia.

At Nick’s Sports Autographs we know how important authenticity is. If it’s not authentic, we will not sell it.

Nearly every autograph that we sell comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) from PSA/DNA Beckett Authentication, or JSA Authentication, the leaders in Autograph Authentication. These come with Tamper Proof Stickers on the product, and a matching COA with the certification number, which can be looked up in the PSA/DNA or Beckett databases.

If you are still unsure about the authenticity of our items, PSA/DNA Authentication services has a quick opinion service. Please feel free to use it on any of our products.

We will only sell autographs that we know are 100% real. We attend many functions, signings and events to get the autographs that we obtain.

An autograph brings people and fans closer to their favorite sports stars or celebrities, and that’s one of the primary objectives of Nick’s Sports Autographs. Whether you are buying for yourself, or as a gift, we hope your experience with us will be just as good as meeting that same celebrity.